
Peru Fitness Holidays - best running holidays in South America

Peru Fitness Holidays Blog Tagged "Lifestyle tips"
Day 1 Of The Smoothie Challenge - 'The Energiser'

Day 1 Of The Smoothie Challenge - 'The Energiser'

January 09, 2017

Monday is a day most of us need an extra boost, so today we have the Energising Smoothie!

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7 day smoothie challenge ingredients

7 day smoothie challenge ingredients

January 07, 2017 4 Comments

We have the ingredients for our 7 day smoothie challenge. Our 7-day Smoothie Challenge is the perfect opportunity to kick-start your healthy habits.

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7 Day Smoothie Challenge

7 Day Smoothie Challenge

January 03, 2017

Our 7-day Smoothie Challenge is the perfect opportunity to kick-start your healthy habits

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5 top tips for sticking to your New Year resolutions

5 top tips for sticking to your New Year resolutions

January 02, 2017

Did you make your New Years resolutions when you were hungover on New Years Day? Or after remembering all that was consumed over the Christmas period? Then it is likely some drastic New Years Resolutions were made.


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New Year, New You!

New Year, New You!

December 30, 2016 1 Comment

Whether you have accomplished your fitness goals or have achieved something in your personal or work life. If it hasn't, then the good news is that it is nearly over!

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It's ok to cheat at Christmas!

It's ok to cheat at Christmas!

December 23, 2016 1 Comment

I have been back in the UK for two weeks and I have already put on 3kg!! It isn't even christmas yet!! 

However I am not too worried and here is why.

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Free virtual personal training session

Free virtual personal training session

December 17, 2016

We have a great competition for the Christmas period, which could be the perfect gift for yourself or a loved one. 

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Why you should break the routine?

Why you should break the routine?

November 17, 2016

“The human spirit lives on creativity and dies in conformity and routine.”

Vilayat Inayat Khan

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