
Peru Fitness Holidays - best running holidays in South America

Goal setting for the New Year! - Peru Fitness Holidays

New Year, New You!

December 30, 2016 1 Comment

New Year, New You!

What a year it has been! 

We hope for many of you it has been a year to look back on with a nod of approval. Whether you have accomplished your fitness goals or have achieved something in your personal or work life. If it hasn't, then the good news is that it is nearly over!

New year, new you!

Christmas is the time for over eating and some self indulgent and we at Peru Fitness Holidays are the perfect example of this, though we aren't too worried (See previous post).

As a result, this is the time of the year that many come up with drastic fitness based resolutions. It is always good to have goals and targets to aim for and for many of us this keeps us motivated to go to the gym when it is cold and raining out and when the tv is much more appealing. However there is nothing worse than having unachievable goals, as nothing makes people lose motivation faster than not reaching your targets.

Break the goal down

The best way to make it past February and still be sticking to your resolution is by breaking down the overall goal into small achievable targets. For weight loss, come up with several rewards that you would like, whether it is new clothes, a day out, a massage or some extra luxury. Make a chart to stick on your fridge with the overall target and then have smaller targets with rewards next to them. Just make sure the bigger rewards go further down when it may be that bit harder sticking to the resolution. 



Don't be afraid to change the target

This is another large factor that can stops many resolutions. When we are telling everybody after one to many wines on News Year Eve, we aren't taking into consideration that we may face injury or the goal may not be achievable. 

I always recommend that each month you should re-evaluate all your resolutions and see if they are still achievable. If it was to run a 10km race in June under 40 minutes and you have just got injured, then maybe it is better looking for a race a few months later rather than trying to train and making the injury much worse. There is nothing wrong with changing your goals to make them more obtainable.  

Make it as enjoyable as possible

Find a way that you can enjoy working towards your resolutions and achieving your goals. If it is fitness related, look to find a training partner, running club or even invest in a weekly personal training session, something that you look forward to. If it is weight loss, find a friend who has a similar goal, maybe get together weekly and cook a new healthy recipe. When you enjoy what you do, you will find that you are sticking to the plan without even realising. 

You can even go one step further and go on an active holiday. This will get you back motivated to reach your goals, allow you to train in an incredible location whilst also getting the chance to explore another country. 

Start the new year right and win a free virtual consultation for a New You!

We are offering a one hour virtual Personal training session with our head coach. During this hour, he will discuss diet and nutrition and help make a training plan that will help you well on your way to achieving your New Year Resolution. He will also answer any questions or address any concerns that you may have.

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